Big Brother/ Little Brother, New and Better Photos!


Big Brother, new photo



Little Brother, new photo


I took a look at the paintings again and realized just how off the photos I posted really were.  I guess that’s what you get for trying to get things done in a rush through nap time! So I took new photos in the morning light in my living room with it’s great big windows, and NOT in my studio, and I think the result is much better.  The other photos gave  the impression that the colors were a bit harsh and dark, when in fact they are soft and creamy….yes I know that sounds strange but those are the best words I can think of.  Even these photos aren’t PERFECT…man it is hard to take a perfect match photo of your painting, even with all the help of Lightroom.  Little Brother looks good, but the chair in the photo of Big Brother has a slight green hue to it that I can not explain.  In the painting it is a cream with a hint of yellow, perfectly matching Little Brother’s chair.  Oh well, I tried my best. At least these give you a much  better look at the real deal.

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